Our plan to make libsodium a core PHP extension and write a userland polyfill for PHP 5.2.4+
The perils and pitfalls involved with implementing public-key encryption in a PHP project, and how to do it right.
How to quickly and effectively design a secure, custom cryptography protocol for your applications.
Announcing the first release of CMS Airship, which establishes the new PHP security platinum standard of today and the gold standard of tomorrow.
A layman's introduction to using Halite, our libsodium wrapper
A deep dive into the cryptography protocols that will secure your blog, should you choose to deploy CMS Airship.
Salted Password Hashing with Argon2, Scrypt, Bcrypt, and PBKDF2
If you're wondering which cryptography library you should use in your project, this should help make the decision easier.
If you ever wondered the best way to encrypt a username or row ID for an obfuscated URL in PHP, this is the article for you.
A human-readable overview of commonly misused cryptography terms and fundamental concepts.
Will tomorrow bring costly and embarrassing data breaches? Or will it bring growth, success, and peace of mind?
Our team of technology consultants have extensive knowledge and experience with application security and web/application development.
We specialize in cryptography and secure PHP development.
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