Paragon Initiative Enterprises conducted a comprehensive code review of the JPaseto libraary and discovered one medium-severity vulnerability, which was promptly fixed.
Paragon Initiative Enterprises conducted a comprehensive code review of the JPaseto libraary and discovered one medium-severity vulnerability, which was promptly fixed.
One of our clients built an app upon a platform called Qbix and hired us to do a pre-launch code audit of their app as well as Qbix's platform.
The Bytejailcore audit is our most comprehensive investigation to date, and we are happy to say that we did not find any security-affecting vulnerabilities or cryptographic weaknesses.
Our investigation of the Bytejail client software did not uncover any security vulnerabilities, cryptographic weaknesses, or anything resembling a backdoor. User's sensitive credentials are never transmitted, and even error messages are anonymized and encrypted before they are sent to the developers.
After a comprehensive code review of the TahoeSmart and TahoeWorker projects, we did not identify any security vulnerabilities in either project. However, our investigation did uncover a few helper classes that could benefit from security enhancements.
After reviewing the Bytejail console source code, we have identified three security issues: one of medium severity and two of low severity. All three are related to cryptography and believed to be difficult for an attacker to exploit.
We did not find any security vulnerabilities in the JWT library itself; however, we did find a previously undiscovered cryptographic vulnerability in one of its dependencies.
Paragon Initiative Enterprises conducted a comprehensive code review of the NaclKeys project and discovered no security vulnerabilities.
Will tomorrow bring costly and embarrassing data breaches? Or will it bring growth, success, and peace of mind?
Our team of technology consultants have extensive knowledge and experience with application security and web/application development.
We specialize in cryptography and secure PHP development.
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