Paragon Initiative Enterprises Blog

The latest information from the team that develops cryptographically secure PHP software.

Slice Of PIE #01

Paragon Initiative Enterprises answers several reader questions

Slice Of PIE #00

Slice of PIE is a new mini-series

Security Concerns Surrounding WebAuthn: Don't Implement ECDAA (Yet)

If you're planning on implementing the W3C and FIDO Alliance's new WebAuthn standard for hardware security token support, skip ECDAA for now.

How and Why Developers Use Asymmetric (Public Key) Cryptography in Real-World Applications

A brief overview of the various common use-cases of asymmetric cryptography (also known as "public-key cryptography") from the perspective of a software developer.

Protecting RSA-based Protocols Against Adaptive Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks

A deep dive into preventing chosen-ciphertext (e.g. padding oracle) attacks against RSA in custom encrypted transport protocols.

Celebrating Three Years of PIE on Pi Day

Our company's name was decided on March 14, 2015, which makes its birthday very easy to remember.

Paseto is a Secure Alternative to the JOSE Standards (JWT, etc.)

Paseto (Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens) is everything JWT should be, but isn't (namely, secure)

Our Ambitious Plan to Make Insecure PHP Software a Thing of the Past

Let's solve application security at an ecosystem level by updating outdated and/or insecure blog posts to refer developers to better practices.

Need Technology Consultants?

Will tomorrow bring costly and embarrassing data breaches? Or will it bring growth, success, and peace of mind?

Our team of technology consultants have extensive knowledge and experience with application security and web/application development.

We specialize in cryptography and secure PHP development.

Let's Work Together Towards Success

Our Security Newsletters

Want the latest from Paragon Initiative Enterprises delivered straight to your inbox? We have two newsletters to choose from.

The first mails quarterly and often showcases our behind-the-scenes projects.

The other is unscheduled and gives you a direct feed into the findings of our open source security research initiatives.

Quarterly Newsletter   Security Announcements