Let's solve application security at an ecosystem level by updating outdated and/or insecure blog posts to refer developers to better practices.
Introducing PIE-Hosted Services to Help Further our Goals to Secure the Entire PHP Ecosystem
Our new open source library, which keeps your Certificate Authority certificate bundle up-to-date.
An analysis of the deficits in the security features offered by WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.
A dissection of the misnomers and bad ideas used in cryptography products.
A quick guide to eliminating the common threats when developing PHP applications in 2016.
Our contributions to defuse/php-encryption and how it affects future behavior
This is our promise to the community to support PHP 5 projects until EOL, and then no later.
Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love software exploitation.
There are three forms of dishonesty: Lies, damned lies, and security trade-offs.
Will tomorrow bring costly and embarrassing data breaches? Or will it bring growth, success, and peace of mind?
Our team of technology consultants have extensive knowledge and experience with application security and web/application development.
We specialize in cryptography and secure PHP development.
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The first mails quarterly and often showcases our behind-the-scenes projects.
The other is unscheduled and gives you a direct feed into the findings of our open source security research initiatives.