Using Libsodium in PHP Projects

A guide to using the libsodium PHP extension for modern, secure, and fast cryptography. Open Source.

Utilities and Helpers

These functions are useful in general, regardless of which cryptographic utility your application needs.

Hexadecimal Encoding

string \Sodium\bin2hex(string $binary)

Libsodium offers a variant of PHP's bin2hex() feature designed to be resistant to side-channel attacks. You can use it just like PHP's bin2hex() function:

$hex_string = \Sodium\bin2hex($binary_string);

Hexadecimal Decoding

string \Sodium\hex2bin(string $hex, string $ignore = '')

Similar to above, libsodium also offers a complementary function for the inverse operation.

$binary_string = \Sodium\hex2bin($hex_string);

Libsodium's hex2bin() also accepts a second optional string argument for characters to ignore. This is useful if, for example, you want to convert an IPv6 address into a raw binary string without the : separators breaking your algorithm.

$binary = \Sodium\hex2bin($ipv6_addr, ':');

Like \Sodium\bin2hex(), \Sodium\hex2bin() is resistant to side-channel attacks while PHP's built-in function is not.

Wiping Sensitive Data from Memory

void \Sodium\memzero(&string $secret);

When you are done handling sensitive information, use \Sodium\memzero() to erase the contents of a variable.

Warning: If you're running PHP 7, make sure you're using version 1.0.1 of the PHP extension before using this function.

$ciphertext = \Sodium\crypto_secretbox($message, $nonce, $key);

Incrementor for Sequential Nonces

void \Sodium\increment(&string $binary_string)

If you need to increment a value (e.g. given a randomly generated nonce, obtain the next nonce), use \Sodium\increment().

Warning: If you're running PHP 7, make sure you're using version 1.0.1 of the PHP extension before using this function.

$x = \Sodium\randombytes_buf(\Sodium\CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_NONCEBYTES);

// After an encryption

Constant-Time String Comparison

int \Sodium\compare(string $str1, string $str2)

Timing-safe variant of PHP's native strcmp().

Returns -1 if $str1 is less than $str2; 1 if $str1 is greater than $str2, and 0 if they are equal. This is mostly useful for comparing nonces to prevent replay attacks.


if (\Sodium\compare($message['nonce'], $expected_nonce) === 0) {
    // Proceed with crypto_box decryption

Constant-Time Memory Equality Comparison

int \Sodium\memcmp(string $a, string $b)

Compare two strings in constant time. (Similar to hash_equals().)

  • Returns 0 if successful
  • Returns -1 otherwise


if (\Sodium\memcmp($mac, $given_mac) !== 0) {
    // Failure

Libsodium Version Checks

int \Sodium\library_version_major()

Returns the major version of the current version of the sodium library installed.

# int(7)

int \Sodium\library_version_minor()

Returns the minor version of the current version of the sodium library installed.

# int(6)

string \Sodium\version_string()

Returns a string identifier of the current version of the sodium library installed. (This is irrelevant to the version of the PHP extension!)

# string(5) "1.0.4"

Extra Information